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About byVarga

ByVarga is a London based luxury womenswear label by fashion designer Fanni Varga.

The Logo

The logo needed to present an elegant, trendy and luxurious brand. Since its the symbol of a clothing label it needed to look just as good in embroidered form as in digital. The logo has two states, the classic state that is seen in offline mediums has a horizontal line trough the middle, while the online version (used where it is possible) is interactive and only has the horizontal line when the user hovers over the logo.

The website

The website follows the same minimalistic, modern and high-end look that the rest of the brand. This is achieved mainly trough simple typographic elements and quality imagery. It is also a really compact and fast website running on WordPress.


Some of the images about the products were also created by me. These images follow the same guideline of simplicity and high-fashion look.


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